
(thisguideuseE-Walletasanexample).Step6.Selectthepaymentchannel.(thisguideuseGcashasanexample).Step7.Fillintherequiredtransaction ...,SelectMyCardPointCardasthepaymentmethod.Step5.EnterMyCardcardnumberandpasswordandclickTop-uptocompletethetopupprocess.MyCardWallet.,ProvidingMyCardserviceincludingtobuypointsonline,topup,exchangegamecredits,transactionhistory.,MyCardisbothaphysicalandvirtualprep...


(this guide use E-Wallet as an example). Step 6. Select the payment channel. (this guide use Gcash as an example). Step 7. Fill in the required transaction ...


Select MyCard Point Card as the payment method. Step 5. Enter MyCard card number and password and click Top-up to complete the top up process. MyCard Wallet.

Global MyCard

Providing MyCard service including to buy points online, top up ,exchange game credits,transaction history.

MyCard Wallet - Payment Method

MyCard is both a physical and virtual prepaid card that allows customers in Southeast Asia to access digital or premium in-game content with myCard points.

MyCard 電子錢包

1. 前往MyCard 官網首頁上方橫條「會員專區」-> 左側「加入會員」,並依序填入欲註冊之帳號資料。 · 2. 申請完後,再次登入會員,並選擇「立刻升級為認證會員」。 · 3. 進入 ...


電子/行動支付. 付費方式 電子/行動支付. 全盈+PAY · 付費方式 電子/行動支付. icash Pay · 付費方式 電子/行動支付. 全支付 · 付費方式 電子/行動支付. Pi 拍錢包.


Providing MyCard service including to buy points online, top up ,exchange game credits,transaction history.


... MyCard point card to your MyCard member account, and use MyCard Wallet to top up the game. Step 1. Click here to go to the top up page, click the 登入/註冊 ...


步驟2. 選擇居住國家或地區後,接著選擇想要訂閱的方案後,點擊繼續 ; 步驟3. 選擇MyCard E-wallet ; 步驟4. 確認畫面上顯示「透過MyCard Points支付」後,點擊繼續 ; 步驟5.


2022年11月19日 — 想問大家,官網登入後選好要買的項目,到了儲值頁面會有兩個mycard的選項,第一個有寫(E-wallet)的是從會員扣點嗎?就是先把點數儲進mycard會員,再直接 ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
